Have you found that every time your expenditure crosses your revenues? Isn’t it hard to manage all the rising expenditures of a whole month with just few bucks you get as your salary? Or may be, there are months full of holidays and occasions when you are bound to spend more than any other month. And by that, near the end of the month you are left hardly with a note or two! Well, for all those people who have faced situations as these, there are instant payday loans. A payday loan is a short-term loan with a small amount of money. It is designed to serve the purpose of monthly expenditure until the next month’s salary is issued. The instant payday loans are also referred to as cash advances. Typically, the tenure period of such loans are between ten days to twenty days. The amount of the loan ranges from $100 to $1500. The interest rates are generally high with 390% to 900% annualized value. Continue reading