Just So You Don't Think I Complain About All My Media Coverage

Sharon October 31st, 2008

Everyone was pretty nice about my bitching about the Times article about us.  So I just wanted to point out that I do get some really good and well done press sometimes, and truly appreciate it.  I particularly am grateful for this lovely Voice of America piece, and the author taking time to really get it right.  I really enjoyed the interview with the author, and she wrote a terrific piece, with an emphasis on how the shifts that are coming in the US are really shifts towards Americans living much more like the rest of the world. 

 Thank you Faiza Elmasry, both for the sympathetic article, and restoring my faith in the media ;-) .  Here’s the piece: http://www.voanews.com/english/AmericanLife/2008-10-30-voa56.cfm



16 Responses to “Just So You Don't Think I Complain About All My Media Coverage”

  1. Vegan says:

    What a wonderful piece, Sharon. Thanks for sharing it. I’ll share it with my family and friends. :)

  2. Theresa says:

    Ah, that’s lovely. Nice to see someone getting the bigger picture and conveying it to a wider audience so well. :)

  3. Rod Dreher says:

    FWIW, I praise your work and mention your book in my next syndicated column, which will be published in this Sunday’s Dallas Morning News. For those who have ears to hear, the message is getting out.

  4. homebrewlibrarian says:

    This is what the NYT should have written!

    See? You’re not such a kook after all :-)

    Lovely piece. Glad for the good words that were written!

    Kerri in AK

  5. Lisa Z says:

    That was a wonderful article. Thanks for the link. Rod Dreher, I’ll look up your column on Sunday. Can you give us a link?

  6. Sharon says:

    No I am such a kook, just not for the reasons the Times mentione ;-) .

    Rod, I don’t know how to thank you.


  7. Tara says:

    Rod - I’m in the Dallas area. I’ll look for your column!


  8. Kate in ct says:

    Oh, that was excellent. Thanks for sharing.There will be someone out there who will read that article and be encouraged (in this discouraging time) to to relax, simplify and live more.
    warm wishes

  9. Kati says:

    Yep, that’s a well written article!! Thanks for sharing the link with us Sharon! And it’s nice to be able to put a face to your blogging.

  10. Marcia Moir says:

    Been reading your offerings for some time… was nice to see your face…great article !!

  11. Gracie says:

    Finally! That was a good article and I thank you for sharing it with us, Sharon. I agree that that is the article the Times SHOULD have written.

  12. NM says:

    That’s lovely. And — gasp! — filled with a sense of simple common sense.
    As opposed to the NYT article’s message of shock that anyone should think of doing without anything. Definitely what the first one should have been. So glad to see it.

  13. Rod Dreher says:

    My column is up on the newspaper’s website. Here’s a link.

  14. Rebecca says:

    Congrats, Sharon!Now that’s a good article.

  15. Lisa Z says:

    Thanks for the link, Rod. Great column! I kept thinking, this guy’s a quote-unquote Conservative but he doesn’t sound too different from me, a quote-unquote Liberal. I think deep down we all have much more in common than we admit!

  16. Heather Gray says:

    Both were excellent articles — good to see this!

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