While I’m Gone…

admin September 6th, 2010

I’ve got to leave you with something fun to read. I’ll be in Virginia for several days - if you are anywhere near Monticello’s Heritage Harvest Festival this Saturday you should come by - it is going to be fabulous.. I’m going to be talking about how Jefferson’s idea of “A Nation of Farmers” can be lived today, and I’m giving a workshop on low-energy food preservation, complete with tastings. C’mon by and say hello! I’ll be the one following Patti Moreno around admiringly ;-) .

The family and I are making this an extended holiday (Rosh Hashana) trip with visits to family and friends on the way to Charlottesville, so I’ll be totally offline until next Monday. So I thought I’d leave you with some ideas for things to read.

First, if you are in the mood for scholarly, thoughtful and really fascinating, try this UN FAO publication in the history and present uses of grain ferments in African, Asian, Pacific and Latin American countries. Yum.

If you happen to run into the October issue of _Eating Well Magazine_, the last page has a hysterically funny essay by Rowan Jacobson about trying to violate every single one of Michael Pollan’s _Food Rules_ in a single day. Let’s just say that “Slim Jim” is pretty much your best friend if you ever want to try this endeavor. For that matter, if you picking up magazines, the latest issue of _Utne Reader_ has an excerpt from _A Nation of Farmers_ in it.

Raj Patel has a great piece on Mozambique’s Food Riots

Kathy Harrison has a fabulous recipe for Jardiniere - I’ve tried it, it is awesome!

The ever-fascinating Matron of Husbandry is mulling over what’s in her foodshed.

A visual exploration of urban agriculture in Anyang South Korea

Finally, folks, I’ve got two baby goats for sale - check it out and email for details at [email protected]!  I’ve also been working on adding material to the pages, but it is a slow process - still, take a look!

Have a great week folks!


9 Responses to “While I’m Gone…”

  1. The Mom says:

    I’ll be there on Saturday. I can’t wait to hear you speak. Patti is wonderful as well.


  2. Jen. says:

    Thanks for speaking at Monticello! I’ve been inspired to try lactofermenting. If that wasn’t a good batch of sauerkraut, I’m really looking forward to making a good one! I never liked sauerkraut before, but loved yours.

  3. Elissa says:

    I found an online copy of the ‘Food Rules’ article here:


    Most amusing. I <3 'Food Rules' & 'In Defense of Food'…

  4. Geri says:

    Hi, Sharon. I’m the goober who came up to you and asked, “Is this where Sharon Astyk is speaking?” Just wanted to thank you again; your talk was inspirational and very moving.

  5. T says:


    I just came across this news article and thought you might find it interesting as well: Study: Women more likely than men to accept global warming.

  6. admin says:

    Geri, I didn’t think you were a goober - why would you know what I look like? I’m glad you liked the book!


  7. Pok Triece says:

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  8. para kazanma yolları says:

    If that wasn’t a good batch of sauerkraut, I’m really looking forward to making a good one!

  9. Kaitlyn says:

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