Back to Food Storage
Sharon May 23rd, 2012
It seems like an age since I’ve written anything much about food storage. It felt for a long while like I’d said most of what I had to say in my book (Independence Days) on the subject, and that I didn’t want to be redundant - but I’m reminded regularly by questions that some things do bear repeating, because of course, we’re all ready to hear different stuff at different times. New readers join us, and of course, events point out things with a new urgency.
So I thought I”d do a review of some of the basics of food storage on this site, going over some older material and adding some new stuff. As we get started, however, I’d like to ask what you’ve been doing and thinking about food storage, and if there are things you’d like me to write about.
I admit, I’ve been somewhat less diligent this year than in the past keeping up with my storage, and because of that have had some sudden shortages - we ran out of pasta, brown sugar and brown rice, things I normally have on hand. I need to do a full sort out of my storage and see what I’ve got and where my resources have to go in the future.
What about you? If you’ve never stored food before, what are you major questions? If you’ve been doing it for a bit, what has changed? Are there things you’d like to add or know about, or things you’d recommend others do differently? Have you used your food storage? How? Added to it? Are you keeping more or less? How urgent do you feel about it?
Let me know, and I’ll respond!