Goats at Gleanings Farm: Junior Does
admin September 15th, 2010
Gleanings Farm RB Meadowsweet is Arava’s daughter by Frodo (Ring Bearer) and was the first 2010 baby born at our farm. Like her mother and her grandmother (Maia), Arava is refined and beautiful. Her mother is the best first freshener we’ve ever seen, with a gorgeous udder and beautiful width. We expect Frodo’s wonderful milkiness to express itself beautifully in Arava’s babies, and will be crossing her for July 2011 with Cadfael.
Gleanings Farm RB Calendula is the only doeling among Bast’s 2010 triplets, by Frodo/Ring Bearer. These babies were so stunning we couldn’t believe them! Goldenrod, her brother will be joining our bucks, and Basil will go to anothe farm as a buck. This very tight linebreeding on Chenango Hills lines produced the most perfect threesome I’ve ever seen or imagined, and Calendula is the match of her brothers. She has her great-grandmother Mina’s beautiful coloring and beautiful, wide back end, her mother’s small size and refinement and her father’s great milking genes. We expect great things out of Calendula, who will be bred to Cadfael for a July 2011 kidding.
It is almost impossible to tell Licorice and Marshmallow apart - they are wholly identical except for a tiny difference in their coloring, detectable only in bright light. But we promise, this is Marshmallow . Both Marshmallow and Licorice will be bred to Cadfael.
And this one is Licorice. They are absolutely perfect, lovely does out of Maia who produces great udders, nice attachments and lovely refinement.
Poppy is Mina the Milk Truck’s daughter by Frodo, and she’s a lovely girl. I would have liked a tiny bit more length to her, but otherwise, she’s very elegant and has the promise of fine milk production like her mother and grandmother. She’ll be bred to Cadfael for 2011.
Interested in buying goats? We’ll have them available in the Summer of 2011, so keep checking for more information!
- Comments(1)
I am fascinated by your discussion of the Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats. I thought the goats had to be mothers before they were able to produce milk…They look so little to produce l/2 gal of milk a day. Very sweet little kids you have.