Thank God I'm a Country Girl! (With Apologies to John Denver)
Sharon February 13th, 2008
This was not what I was supposed to be writing today, but all I can say is that my brain is a strange, strange place sometimes. Had the radio on, caught this song, and couldn’t get it out of my head (it isn’t like I’m even a John Denver fan, but stranger things have happened) until this came out.
If you don’t know the tune, the song is available through Itunes .
Thank God I’m a Country Girl! (With apologies to John Denver)
Well, I was born right here, in these suburbs
Its where I catch my rain and where I grow my herbs
Walk the kids to school, and cross at the curbs
Thank God I’m a Country Girl!
With my husband and kids we’re ridin’ on our bikes
To the farmer’s market, y’know its quite a hike
Littlest one even does it on his trike!
Thank God I’m a Country Girl!
Well, I got me a fine life, got a green plan
I’m cookin’ homegrown in my cast iron pan
I can’t do it all but I’m doing what I can!
Thank God I’m a Country Girl!
I live in an apartment on the fourteenth floor
But you can see I’m green when you open up my door
Never owned no car so my feet get kinda’ sore
Thank God I’m a Country Girl!
Well a simple kind of life never did me no harm
My community garden is my own tiny farm
Thrift shop clothes have their own kinda charm
Thank God I’m a Country Girl!
Well, I got me a fine life, I got a green plan
I’m cookin’ homegrown in my cast iron pan
I can’t do it all but I’m doing what I can
Thank God I’m a Country Girl!
Its 33 miles to the supermarket
But I’ve no need for goin’, took the car and parked it.
Huntin’ my own and the deer ain’t remarked it
Thank God I’m a Country Girl!
We gone organic when I was just a bride
Now I’m a grandma and we’re riding with the tide
Hard times a’comin’ but folks are on our side
Thank God I’m a Country Girl!
Well, I got me a fine life, I got a green plan
Cookin’ up homegrown in a cast iron pan
I can’t do it all, but I’m doing what I can!
Thank God I’m a Country Girl!
We’re just folks who remember what we’re after
We’re not seeking riches, we’re really chasin’ laughter
Those that think we’re crazy, we know they’re daft-er
Thank God I’m a Country Girl!
Country’s not just a place, it is a state of mind
There’s earth under the feet of folks of every kind
The country and the future they belong to me and mine.
Sharon, who will be keeping her day job