Evil Parasitic Caterpillar that has Been Eating Thomas Friedman's Brain Finally Dies!
Sharon March 9th, 2009
Note: Sorry for the quiet blog - I’ve been away and in transit and lazy. I will be posting more AIP stuff and also an account of my Tucson trip, including my visit to Chile, whose food I must say tastes even better than it looks on the blog. But in the meantime, here’s this breaking news!
Thomas Friedman, uncritical neo-classical economist, whack job proponent of globalization and porn-star-style mustachioed New York Times columnist has actually decided that growth is bad. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/08/opinion/08friedman.html?_r=2
This stunning development occurred after the evil, parasitic alien caterpillar that has been residing on his upper lip died, ending its multi-year position controlling all of Friedman’s brain activity. This is the only possible explanation for a sudden shift to rationality from a man who has done more to encourage the globalizing destruction of all hope for sustainability than most.
In a news conference, Friedman also renounced the “science” of economics, and vowed to help develop a new steady state economy. He also reassured those who would miss his famous look that despite the death of his parasite, he’d be keeping its corpse on his upper lip, since he’s gotten used to it.
(Ok, the last part isn’t true. But the article is, and this is the only way I can think of that really makes sense ).