Archive for the 'adapting in place' Category

The Department of Redundancy, Redundancy Department

Sharon August 6th, 2009

Today I’m starting another Adapting-In-Place Class, beginning with the basics of evaluating whether you have a future where you are, what your other choices are, and then triaging your situation, but I’ve already written a good bit about those things, so I want to a basic and essential element of triage - establishing redundant systems.

Why redundant systems?  Well, for the simple reason that, as Yeats put, things fall apart.  We all know this - in fact, we all rely regularly on redundant systems.  For example, when your commuter vehicle breaks, you take the bus, carpool with a neighbor, borrow from your spouse or a friend or rent a car.  Implicit in your commitment to your job is the reality that your car will break, and that you will find yourself in need of a redundant system to back you up.  If you have children, you are are intimately familiar with the filling out of forms that list several “emergency contacts” - that is, people who can be trusted to tend your kids if you are not there.  This is a form of redundancy - thus, if your son takes sick at school, you have a neighbor or relative who can respond, and if not them, usually another person still who can be tried.  The assumption is that with parents plus multiple redundant backups, someone will always be there for your kids.

But most of us don’t have good redundant systems for our home and our lives, if the basic assumptions of our existence, which include full access to grid power and other utilities; an immediate government response to a crisis and the availability of replacement parts, utilities and tools, as well as people to install them and the money to pay for it are all available.  That is, the redundancy in our system all presumes a fully functional economy, energy system and a fairly stable society.  In the absence of each of these things, most of us are tremendously vulnerable.

One of the first and most basic presumptions we all need to make is this - failure is normal.  This is not a prediction - I am not claiming that any particular scenario is likely.  But the reality is that nearly everything breaks, falls apart or is vulnerable in some way to not-terrifically-unlikely disasters.  Your plans for the future should work from the assumption that things will unfold messily, and with copious system failures.  I’ve written more about this here:  I wrote about our strange reluctance to seriously consider the possibility of failure on both a personal and world scale,

“…this leads to a painful  reality - despite the fact that winter power outages happen out my way all the time, we know for a fact that the extended outages in my region there will leave us with people who are freezing, and hungry, isolated and unable to cope.  They won’t have the batteries for their flashlights, or any strategy for cooking or eating. At best, they will come out of this traumatized and miserable. At worst, some of them may actually die.

 But we also know that these folks will be deemed normal, and their lack of preparation will be treated as normal.  Just as people in California with no earthquake preparations or folks in Florida with no preparations for a Hurricane will be treated as normal.  We treat a lack of preparedness, in our society, as completely reasonable and rational, even expected.  Thus, if you are in line at a Red Cross shelter because you have no food and water in your home 48 hours after a hurricane hit Gainesville, odds are no one will even raise an eyebrow and ask why in heck you don’t have any food.

My point is not to pick on anyone (and yes, I know that there are some people who don’t have enough food access to have a reserve, but that hardly describes everyone) - in fact, I think the reason that we look upon the lack of personal contingency plans as so reasonable is that it isn’t just personal - our society as a whole has very few contingency plans - much less strategies for adapting to failure.  We regard planning for anything bad as a sign of an unhealthy focus on the negative.  We feel it is so unhealthy that we find that at every level of our culture - from the purely personal question of whether we have a strategy for dealing with common disasters to the international policy level where no one seems to have ever asked any questions about what might go wrong on a host of subjects - we have no contingency plans.  Not only do we not have them, but we dismiss and deride anyone who suggests we make them.

All of which suggests that we have a very troubled relationship to the idea of failure.  Speaking as someone whose entire body of work could probably be summarized as “Ummm…have you thought about what happens if something goes wrong?”  I’m acutely aware of how unpleasant and frightening most of us find the idea of failure - and because we find it unpleasant and frightening, we are likely to dramatically underestimate its likelihood and frequency, and be truly shocked when failures happen.  But in fact, we shouldn’t be shocked - failure is far more routine and normal than we expect.  Not only is it normal, but treating it as normal might actually reduce the likelihood of disaster.”

And if we do have backup systems, often those systems are themselves vulnerable to failure, and we may or may not have further redundancies in the system.  Now some systems don’t need much redundancy - for example, if you mostly keep ice cream in your freezer, even if you are very fond of ice cream, you don’t actually need a backup plan or system to compensate for the failure of your freezer - one doesn’t actually need Ben and Jerry’s to live, even if it is Cherry Garcia ;-) , so no redundant system is required.  But let’s say that your freezer holds most of your stored food, including a lot of high value meats and produce that you rely on, and that would cost you more than 1,000 to replace.  Well, you think, I’ll get a generator.  Maybe you even install it, and store some gas for it.  But the problem is that a generator is a short term solution - it is great for a few days of power outage, and will keep that food cold.  But what if, as happened last year in Kentucky, Massachusetts, New York, Iowa, Texas and several other states, the power is out for more than a few days?  What happens when the gas for the generator runs out, and the gas stations have no power to pump more?  Your redundancy assumes that things will get back to normal quickly - but what if that’s not the case?

The reality is that if your redundancies depend on fossil fuels, on just in time delivery of parts you don’t keep on hand, on government response being there on the ground quickly, on disasters being so localized that nearby other places can send help, rather than widespread, on somehow, things working out, your redundancies aren’t adequate - period.

Now this could end up an infinite reduction game - you could make the case that the need for redundancy never stops, and on some level, you’d be right. Let’s say my backup plan for that freezer is different - it involves me taking my pressure canner and canning up the meat in the freezer on my wood cookstove.  Now someone could legitimately say “well, but what if your stove breaks, or the canner does.  Doesn’t that mean you need an infinite number of canners, a backup woodstove and an infinite number of monkeys to type while you do the preserving?

There’s some truth in this - all things fail, all good things come to an end.  On the other hand, the wood cookstove I own comes from a brand where 100 year old models are routinely used.  Mine is less than 5 years old.  There are a couple of parts that might break, and that’s why I keep a stove gasketing kit around, and have my own chimney brushes.  And it is possible that some unusual situation might occur.  Which is one of the reasons I’m glad I know how to make a rocket stove - and have a big old can big enough to put a canning kettle on, although I haven’t made it yet.  I also make sure that there’s nothing in my freezer I can’t afford to lose - yes, I like what I have there, but I don’t allow myself to rely on it as my primary source of food.  If worst came to worst, we’d invite all the neighbors for a feast and go forward from there - I don’t really need more than that plan in my head, because I know I can lose the stuff there.

So a set of redundant systems depends on several things.  First, a backup that is well made and simple - or if cheap and complex, a bunch of them.  Given that I don’t like the idea of buying a lot of cheap stuff, I’d prefer the former, but sometimes that may not be viable.  Second, if the system is essential, you need the tools and equipment and ability to take care of it and repair it.  That means looking critically over your backup systems and asking what parts might break, and how to fix them if they do.  I have a box in my closet that contains only repair kits for things - often, when making a major purchase, the item comes with an inexpensive repair kit, that contains replacement pieces of things that are most likely to show wear - rust remover and stove gaskets for a cookstove, bearing oil and replacement bearings for my spinning wheel, a sewing machine belt and replacement needles for a treadle machine, etc…  Now occasionally these are a scam, providing cheap parts rather than useful ones, but with well made equipment, often they aren’t.  Making sure you also know how to use them - that you’ve downloaded instructions, say for, say mending harness or replacing parts on your water pumping wind turbine. Ideally, try it before you have to do it in the rain, at night, by flashlight, since that’s how it always works.

The other thing that’s needed is a mental plan to deal with failure - ok, what if my well pump breaks just when I need it?  Well, I know I can filter water from the creek, and from my rainbarrels.  Let’s just make sure I have enough filters or water purifying tablets.  Also, how much do I mind the idea of my final, mental back up plan?  I think I’d find hauling all our water from our creek really annoying.  If that’s the case, and I can afford it, I should probably make sure that we have a backup well pump system.

If you do want a complex, and fossil fuel based backup - ie, you want solar panels to keep your freezer running or a generator or whatever, make sure you a. know how to fix it and b. keep tools and parts on hand.   And also make sure you have a non-fossilized backup, just in case.

Redundancies can and should include sharing with others, relying on others for help, etc… We don’t always need a tool, so much as we need people.  But if your plans include these, ask yourself - am I lending a helping hand now?  Do I have relationships to rely on for this?  If not, time to make them happen.

How much redundancy do you need?  At a minimum, I think you should be as unreliant on high energy, high complexity systems as possible.  For some people, comfortable living with very little, in a simple way, this will mean almost no complexities.  For those tied by major illness to high energy medical systems, or caught in situations where they cannot live without these, it may still be possible to minimize resource use elsewhere, while building up as much of a safety net as possible elsewhere.  Not every person will be able to do every thing - but the more you can build redundant systems into your plan, the happier and more comfortable your lives will be. 


Tell Me Your Adapting-In-Place Story

Sharon July 31st, 2009

It has been a long, hectic week here, simultaneously putting the last touches in _Independence Days_ before it goes to the printer, and also getting the AIP book fully organized, a new contract agreed on, etc… 

Now that I’m writing the book on my own, I admit, I’m going to rely on other people to fill in the gaps in my knowledge and provide a wider perspective - we had always planned to include profiles of people’s efforts to make their place functional in tough times, but they’ve taken on a new importance for me, because, of course, there’s a lot I don’t know, haven’t tried, etc…  I’m taking on this huge subject, and I’m dependent, as always on other people’s expertise.  But I had been planning to stick Aaron with a lot of the stuff that I didn’t know as well, and somehow, taking this on alone seems overwhelming.  But I’ve decided to deal with the overwhelming simply by including as many interesting case studies as I can.

All of which is a long way of saying that I’d love to hear your story about how you are going about making your future where you are. I’m interested in stories from cities and countryside, from suburbs and even the much-maligned exurban housing projects.  I’m interested in people moving back with family, and people making their way alone, in big extended families and singles, young and old, immigrants and emigrants, religious and athiests, and people of all ethnicities.   My assumption is that all of us, when we choose a place to stay are working within constraints, often severe constraints - and I’d like to see how you are making the best possible future for yourself despite the fact that, say, your family is far away and doesn’t take you seriously, or you don’t have much money and live in an apartment,  or your neighbors are radically different, or you are settling in a place that may be subsumed by the sea someday - but that’s where your family is.  That is, one way or another, none of us have the perfect place, the perfect people, the perfect list of resources.  And yet, we’re here, and making a future.  I think that’s worth celebrating.

 I’d really love to hear how you are making your place liveable and viable at every level, from how you are retrofitting your house to how you are making community with your neighbors.  All of that’s a lot of information, of course, and I can probably only read some of it, but I’d love to hear the highlights, in comments or email at [email protected] or in a link to your blog in comments.  And if you want, I’m looking for a few people to be profiled in the AIP book.  I can obviously only choose a couple of those (I’ve already got some selected), but even for those who aren’t chosen, it might be possible to eventually put them all up on the book website.  So there’s some cool possibilities there (I’d love to hear from you even if you don’t want to be in the book, obviously). 

So tell me - what are you doing?  What are you concentrating on?  How are you starting where you are and going from there?

Thanks so much,


Dilbert Adapts in Place!

Sharon July 13th, 2009

Scott Adams has often seemed to grasp that we can’t go on acting like greedy pigs forever, but it seems that he’s turned himself to the project of designing the ideal AIP community.  Excellent!  And thanks to Brad K. for tipping me off on this.

 The only problem with “Cheapatopia” is that Dogbert will immediately conquer it ;-) .


Adapting In Place Is Not a Choice For Most of Us

Sharon June 29th, 2009

A while back I wrote an essay arguing that while many people will lose their homes and have to move in with family or into rentals in the coming crisis, still more will end up trapped where they are, unable to sell their homes, unable to get credit to buy another, or even to find rental housing due to credit rating losses, and with other family dependent on the only stable home available to them.  That is, the flip side of disruption and movement is that many people are going to be adapting in place - only often with more people in the place than they thought.

 It seems that all of these things are probably roughly coming true.  There has been a substantial increase in the number of people combining housing, although it is hard to measure how much, because there are often prohibitions against such things.  More people are leaving homes and looking for rental housing, although many of them have a hard time finding it, because credit ratings are still important.  Meanwhile, the migration rate - the rate of people moving, has dropped like a stone.

“During the 1950s and 1960s, Frey said, as many as 20 percent of Americans moved in any given year. Mobility rates slowed to 15 percent to 16 percent during the 1990s. But in 2008, only 11.9 percent of Americans moved, he said.”

Meanwhile, some people are Adapting in Place without the amenities of utilities, as reports come in that more foreclosed houses are being squatted in by the original owners. 

Many of us, I think will go into these tough times not where we want to be, but where we are. Others will be the “brother in law on the couch” - moving in with family as needed (I’ve got a post in the works on being the BIL on the Couch, btw, for those who have requested it).  It won’t always be the best prepared person who ends up staying in their home, nor will it always be the best home - it may be the person who keeps their job longest or whose mortgage is smallest, or who happens to live in a place where there is still work. 

And while some folks already have the superinsulated straw bale house, the solar panels and everything else, most of us, well, we don’t.  We’re trying to cobble together our infrastructure, hoping desperately for a few more paychecks and discovering what exactly people mean by “red clay” “R-value negligible” or “fixer-upper” in world where there isn’t as much money, time or energy as we’d like. 

My belief is that in most places, for most people, the process of dealing with our collective crisis is going to be messy.  It will not be as graceful, elegant or smooth as we’d like.  It will involve making the best of what we’ve got, and it will probably involve extensive cursing of how we used our last great burst of wealth and energy.

The good news is that there really is a great deal you can do while you curse (far be it from me to suggest people stop cursing - I try not to advise anything I’m not willing to do ;-) ).  Did you always secretly want to be MacGyver, escaping from dangerous agents with baling twine and toilet paper (I’ve never actually seen this show, so I can’t tell if this is an accurate description, but I gather from pop culture references that it was something of the sort)?  Well, think what happens if you manage to survive peak oil, climate change and economic collapse with nothing but 1960s split level ranch, the stuff you can dumpster dive and your paycheck.  It may not be elegant, but you’ve got to admit, it is interesting.

Anyway, there’s no need to despair if you didn’t yet get the money to buy land, if the eco-village turned you down because you still use regular toilet paper, or if your present version of community mostly involves the local brewpub.  There’s probably land that’s underused around you, toilet paper can presumably be used for some MacGyver-like purpose, and beer remains the universal solvent to resistance to forming useful community groups.  Use what you have.  Adapt in place.


Utility-Free Boot Camp

Sharon April 23rd, 2009

At the end of our Adapting-In-Place class,  Aaron and I asked students to consider disconnecting from all of grid and city services for a weekend, to discover what it is really like to do so.  Because while all the discussion and speculation we do here on this blog, and elsewhere is great, all of us will learn more in a couple of days - or longer if you can do it - without power and services than we ever could from reading.  Even the teachers learned things from testing - here’s Aaron’s account.

Only when the power is actually out do you discover that your backup plans had problems and defects.  Only when the power is actually out do you remember that you need enough stored water for the dogs, or that your daughter is scared of the dark and needs a light at night, or that Mom can’t go out to use the hastily made latrine.  Only when you really rely on your preparations do you discover where you need redundancies, spare parts, more consideration or investment of time, money or energy. 

Now in the past year, people in 11 states endured power outages that lasted more than 1 week.  In Kentucky, Houston and parts of New England, people were out for several weeks.  If you were one of them, you now know a lot more about what it is like to live without power.  And quite honestly, I think that two days is really much too short a test - for two days, you can drink stored water, but odds are, if you are out for two weeks, you’ll have to find a water source.  For two days, you can do without almost anything - but if the crisis lasts two weeks, you’ll find yourself really struggling to keep things going.  For two days, you won’t need to do laundry, get to work, and some people can even skip medication (not everyone, and don’t try this at home without checking with a doctor). 

So I’m tempted to say “ok, everyone has to practice doing without grid services for two full weeks.”  But since I’d like more than two people to do it, I’m trying to be realistic here ;-) .  But you should know that the experience will be a lot more authentic if you act like you actually have to live a daily life over an extended period when you do this.  That is, of course it will make your practice a lot easier if you don’t do laundry and rely on stored water.  But this will not help you in any way be ready for a more extended power outage - the easier you make it on yourself, the harder the reality will be when (and I don’t mean if, I mean when) you face it. 

And that’s why we all ought to do these practices fairly often, under different conditions.  Again, the idea is to discover the gaps in your preparations *now* - while you still can purchase something you need, get the parts to fix what didn’t work, or figure out how to make it less painful.  That means it isn’t enough to do it once in the spring warm weather, when the climate is comfortable - you should try it in the heat of summer, and make sure you have enough water and a plan for cooking and sleeping comfortably; and in the cold of winter, and be sure you have a way to keep warm.  You should imagine the most adverse conditions imaginaable - all the water is contaminated has to be boiled (this is not that unlikely in a hurricane or flooding emergency), that the roads are blocked by ice or downed trees (happens all the time), that the hotels are packed, that the gas stations are without power, that the supermarket shelves are empty, that you are sick…because unfortunately, these are precisely the kinds of things that happen.  The point is not torture, it is to remind yourself that these things rarely happen at the most convenient possible moment - they happen on the hottest day of summer, on the day your father needs to go to the doctor, during a bitter cold spell.  And people do actually get sick, seriously injured or die because they are not prepared for these events.  I don’t want any of you to be among them.

So I’m proposing that all of us consider scheduling utility-free weekends during the course of this year.  With climate change raising the number of natural disasters, the odds are very good that sooner or later your family is going to get to know what it is like to do without utilities and city services for a period of time - almost certainly much longer than you’d like.  So utility-free boot camp is simply good for all of us. 

 I’m going to schedule a couple of weekends over the year - I’ll be doing it too.  I’d love it if you’d join the utility-boot camp challenge.  But even if you don’t, try and plan on doing this with your family.  No, they may not like it - but they’ll be happy on the day you wake up with the power out, and are warm, fed and safe and have met most of your basic needs.


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