Check This Out!

Sharon November 10th, 2008

It was a long and engaging weekend, and I’m running more than a little behind on sleep.  So far that the post I’d planned for today is going to have to wait.  But I did want to show y’all something pretty cool (I think).

 It won’t be out until March, but I’m still pretty pleased.  And yes, that’s a beet!

Cheers, and more tomorrow,


15 Responses to “Check This Out!”

  1. Verde says:

    Very nice! I almost pre-ordered it but then I thought maybe you’d ship some signed ones like you did for Depletion and Abundance. I was sorry I didn’t get one of those.

  2. Shamba says:

    I also have preordered the book when I ordered Abundance and Depletion a week ago. I really like the Abundance book, but I knew I would.

    Congratulations, sharon!


  3. Crunchy Chicken says:

    Woohoo! Very cool. Congrats.

  4. Gracie says:

    Wow, awesome. Congratulations!!!


  5. Theresa says:

    Hooray! Congratulations Sharon - I can’t wait to get my hands on this one as well :)

  6. sgl says:

    the new “beet” generation! ;-)

  7. risa b says:

    Can’t wait!

  8. martin says:

    Looking forward to reading it!

  9. says:

    Good find. Too many people are so removed from where their food comes from - not enough food or it is too expensive? Just build more supermarkets!

  10. Vegan says:

    Congratulations! What a wonderful title. Nice book cover, too.

  11. Rod Dreher says:

    Indeed, what a fabulous title. I wonder where I’ve read something like that before… ;-)

    (Serious note: I wonder, Sharon, if you came up with that title as a marketing thing? That’s what I did in coming up with my long, funky, descriptive title — to attract people who might not have seen themselves in the mysterious short title, even though the book was about them.)

  12. Adam says:

    Congratulations! Can’t wait to buy a copy :)

  13. Rebecca says:

    Cool! Congrats!

  14. Sharon says:

    Yeah, we did come up with it as a marketing gimmick - or rather, we stole Rod’s marketing gimmick. Aaron and I had our one and only fight during the process of writing this book (actually, I think that’s pretty good) about the title. We initially wanted to not have a subtitle at all, but New Society insisted, and we could *not* agree. So I looked on my shelves for inspiration, and there was Rod’s book, with the idea of “let’s just use everything” in it. So we did - it was actually longer initially, and included the phrase “wolf at the door” which Aaron hated and I love, but some editing occurred in the final stages ;-) .

    Yup, Rod, we ripped off your idea!


  15. Rod Dreher says:

    You call it “rip off,” I call it “tribute.” It’s all good!

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