Independence Days Update and Final Class Update
Sharon May 18th, 2009
Just a reminder to people already registered for my class, please make sure you sign up for the discussion group before tomorrow. And if you haven’t gotten the information about the discussion group (as always, I’ve got one bouncing email address ), please email me at [email protected]. I’ve also got one more spot in the class, so if you’d like to join us getting ready for the harvest season and building up a food reserve, send me an email.
Ok, on to Independence Days! It has been a rough week for me in a host of ways - a lot of little things have gone wrong, and fixing them has taken up a lot of time - we all have those weeks. Plus, I’ve been head down in manuscript revisions for my _Independence Days_ book, so I’m cranky, tired, stressed and haven’t had enough dirt time. Still, I did get some things done. In some ways that’s good, since we’re expecting a final (I hope!) frost tonight - not having had time to put things out early means that I probably won’t lose too much.
Planted: Red Currants, Asian Pears, Honeyberries, grapevines, broccoli, chard, kale, peppermint, yarrow, cabbage, snap peas, snapdragons, beets, turnips, carrots
Harvested: More nettles, bok choy, lettuce, sorrel, good king henry, rhubarb.
Preserved: Hung some nettles to dry
Reduced Waste: Used feed bags to mulch a new portion of garden, otherwise, nothing new.
Preparation and Storage: Got ready for kidding (we still can’t tell if Selene is preggers or not, although I’m inclining gently towards yes) - regardless, we’ll be ready to go - she’ll be due right around June 1, if so. Found/repaired appropriate bikes for Isaiah and Asher, still working on getting Simon’s bike ready and running.
Build Community Food Systems: May have successfully started a monthly synagogue post-shul potluck. Have evil plans as to how this might be used to make shul more sustainable . Did some NPR interviews for A Nation of Farmers, did a consult for a group wanting to start school gardens in New Hampshire. Began planning the garden I’m going to organize at Eli’s school next year, assuming, of course, they have a school building (they lost their building due to a water main break, and because of a insurance dispute between the district and the insurance company, it hasn’t been repaired - they are temporarily using a church, but it isn’t clear where they will end up).
Eat the Food: More nettles, fiddleheads, nothing too exciting. Oh, we ate a lot of pickles, because we suddenly realized we *had* a lot of pickles, and cucumber season is approaching.
How about you?