Books and Books
Sharon June 10th, 2009
A while back, I mentioned that I had a proposal in for a book on social issues - family, sex, marriage, population, etc…. and how they are likely to be affected by the coming shift in energy issues. Well, that book did not sell, unfortunately, and just as I was about to begin the work of actually finding an agent, and hunting around for another potential publisher (I’m both lazy and ignorant of the process, since instead of laboring in the garrett and sending out manuscripts, I actually had an editor approach me in a sort of a fairy-tale thing). But while I was getting around to that, my editor sorta asked “well, what else ya got?” (Ok, Ingrid, Goddess of the Red Pen, doesn’t actually say “ya” ) And I mentioned that I’d been doing Adapting in Place classes, and in the back of my head, thinking that there was a book in there about how to make a future where you are.
Well, apparently that one hit the jackpot, and while all is not settled, it looks like yours truly and Aaron are back in the book saddle again, putting together an Adapting in Place book. The working title (which I am less fond of since my husband pointed out that it evokes a John Denver song…ooops) is “Back Home Again.” And it will cover how to make a life that is as integrated as possible - that is, one that responds both to our energy and ecological decline, but also to our need for beauty, to save money, to make our lives better now. Aaron is going to illustrate it, since I think that it is so important that we have a literal vision of what comes next.
I’ll probably call on y’all for many suggestions and critiques in the coming months (insanely enough, the due date for the manuscript is going to be March, so a crazy winter is anticipated), but one of the things that most needs doing is a good Bibliography. I included one in _Depletion and Abundance_ but in the couple of years since I wrote it, many more books have been published or come to my attention, and of course, I missed plenty of wonderful resources.
So I want your help with this - I’m going to pick a subject every week, and ask for recommendations of books I might not know on the subject. I’m also going to publish some more book reviews, as I read for this large project of telling people how to make a sustainable home where they are.
This week, I thought we’d start with one of my favorite subjects - cookbooks! I have a list of cookbooks, of course, but I want to update and expand it. So please, tell me what your favorite cookbooks are in helping you live a sustainable life, eat sustainably and enjoy your food. Please tell me the author, title and why you think these are the two or three cookbooks I really should look at!
Thanks so much,