Just in case you are wondering…
Sharon July 18th, 2007
Why I haven’t posted in a few days, I did, actually. There’s a new post on the side bar “Barefoot, Bearded and In the Kitchen.” For reasons that confuse me entirely, blogger posted it as though I had written it days ago, back when I started it. I don’t see to be able to fix it, so you’ll just have to look down a bit if you want new content ;-).
BTW, I hope I’m going to be meeting some of you folks in the fall - I’m off to the Community Solutions Conference in Yellow Springs Ohio again. I have no idea what I’m speaking on, but I get to hang out with the real famous people and pretend I’m one of them - and much more fun, chat with the regular folks ;-). Let me know if you are going to be there.
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- Comments(7)
I often read and appreciate your blog, but this is my first time to comment.
I have begun practicing many of your suggestions and I’m following the 90% reduction project with interest.
Thanks for your dedication to keeping us all informed and inspired.
To fix your post - go to the ‘edit posts’ section. When the original post comes up, you will see a clickable ‘ post options’. After you click on this you can change the date and time of your post to bring it to current status.
Hope that helps!
Hey Sharon,
just wanted you to know that I check your blog most days, and have been forwarding lots of posts to family and friends. I don’t know if you can tell how many people check your blog, but please know that your writings are much appreciated and great food for thought for many people who don’t comment (much).
Hi, and thanks! I’ve just been directed to your blog from a forum I roam, and I thought I’d let you know that you are a reference even in France! Some people actually translated some of your posts as an introduction to PO awareness and simple living.
As a beginner on that path I found inspiration in what little I’ve read yet and I’ll be sure to come again.
I’ll be in Yellow Springs Sharon. I’m interested to hear all the speakers!
all you do is, go to edit posts, at the bottom there is something like “more details” and you click that and then it shows you and you can change the date and time of the post. Blogger automatically puts the date and time you started writing in their editor but you can change that.
Thank you all for the kind words - that means a lot to me. And thank you for the suggestions on how to fix this - I’m a little dim at this sort of thing. I appreciate the help enormously.
Off to try and fix it.
You ask a lot of good questions. And what you have said makes sense.
But there is a question you must address.
Let us assume as a given, that a large human population is a stress on the planet. In fact that it is very dangerous. You’ve seen the arguments and the data, let’s not rehash them.
We know about the developed world’s inordinate use of resources. That is true.
But it is not true that Bangladesh’s huge population (one example) is a good idea, or is good for the environment and the members of the population itself.
I am one of the people who has thrown a spear at you about the number of children before. It was in response to an article that had mention of airplane flights. I don’t remember the details.
I don’t hate your children. But what do we do to get people to have less? This is not an idle statement, , but perhaps we need to make people feel guilty for having more than two children. And make them feel virtuous for having one or none.
I believe we are past the point where the sheer number of persons in the world is a danger. The US could be deforested again in a hurry if energy supplies run low, and I think that is going to happen.
Some have brought up things like empowering women and education. Even making TV a universal right or something (I believe there is a correlation between widespread TV viewing and lowered birthrates, but I have no data).
You might as well make an effort to empower women. It’s not a bad thing on it’s own. But we simply don’t have the time for such a thing to help us (the human race) very much as regards population numbers.
We don’t have the time. Dramatic efforts, such as those in China are called for. And they are not going to solve the problem, but are the only things that would work quickly enough to help at all.
There was an article in Scientific American in the 70’s that estimated the population the earth could support solely on the natural nitrogen cycle. If memory serves it was 2 billion, and I think that is where one of usual targets for reduced population comes from.
We are a long way from that. My prediction is pain and suffering, no matter what.
This is a long winded post, but what is your solution? I understand your arguments, but I don’t see where you address the problem. No matter if what you wrote is true, there are still other implications that are still there. Maybe we disagree on what I think are the fundamentals, but this could go on a long time if we wanted to debate the issue.
I don’t have the slightest idea of what should be done. I doubt there is a solution that doesn’t require pain and sacrifice.
Anyway that’s what I think.