Food Security as a Cottage Industry
Sharon January 27th, 2009
It would be great if all of us had the luxury of putting our community’s food security needs at the top of our agendas, simply because we care. The problem, of course, is the need for us to meet other requirements - to make a living, get food on the table, tend our families, etc… One of the ways we can find more time for this project is to shift some of our income to local food security work. So what kind of jobs are there that allow you to improve your local food economy? How might you make a cottage industry niche for yourself that might simultaneously improve your family’s economic security in tough times, and also help your community maintain a food supply?
Now obviously if you and your partner already work two full time jobs, or you are a single Mom struggling to just get through the day, the last thing you need is a new business. But for the retired, underemployed, unemployed or for at-home parents who might need a little extra income, this offers the possibility of doing good and also keeping the wolf from the door.
So here are some jobs I can think of (I’m leaving out jobs as growers or raising livestock - I’ll do a post on growing and producing food for income next month during the Garden Design class) - I’m sure the rest of you can come up with others.
Let me be clear that anyone dealing with food is going to have to decide how they want to operate in relationship to food laws. Know your local food laws, and know how they are enforced. The recent Manna Storehouse raid suggests that we need to take care. I believe that many food safety policies do exist for a reason - but the fact that they so hugely prioritize the well being of rich corporations, who still can’t keep the food supply safe (witness the current peanut contamination and cyclical contaminations that show up every few months), that we’d be better off allowing more small scale food production. I personally don’t have a lot of problem circumventing the laws, or campaigning to overturn them, but I do want people to understand the risks.
1. Bulk food/local food sales. My friend Joy now operates a storefront that sells bulk foods, local dairy, cheese and eggs, and also makes homemade baked goods and sells sandwiches. Her place operates as a convenience store/sandwich shop and bulk goods store. That might be a little much of a project for beginners, but her example is timely because before she operated her storefront, she did bulk food sales out of her house, ordering bulk foods, repackaging them in smaller quantities for sale and recruiting customers. Her prices are a bit higher than my local coop, but I want her and her family to succeed. This is a great cottage industry for someone - or even for a couple of people at home.
2. Home baker - now food sanitation laws can make any kind of food production at home difficult - most states require certified kitchens, with equipment most of us don’t have. Some of us may have access to certified kitchens somewhere - we may be able to use them for a small fee or even barter for their use during times when they aren’t open, and then sell home-produced food. If you are going to work outside the law, the place where there are the fewest risks is in baking - it is genuinely challenging to poison people with bread. In addition, Amish communities routinely sell home baked goods outside the law, and are mostly ignored, setting a precedent that might be useful. So if you are going to try and set up as a food producer outside of a certified kitchen, I suggest baked goods. In fact, I’ve done this - when our CSA was in operation, we used to include Challah in our deliveries. At one point, we were baking 50 loaves of bread every Thursday, without legal approval. We were very clear with our customers - we were neither certified nor we were certified kosher, although we keep a kosher kitchen and take challah when baking. The bread was a gift, never mentioned in our literature, and not part of their purchase. We still could have gotten into trouble, but I mention this as a possibility.
3. Other cooking - basically, I think the “ratio of things likely to get you in serious trouble” runs this way baking is the lowest because illness from bread is unlikely. Homemade meals or “lunch bags”, delivered to neighbors or brought to a workplace are probably next lowest risk, particularly if you can simply have them pay you for “grocery shopping” enough to cover. I personally would not mess with selling dairy or home canned goods - just in case something goes wrong, but then again, I live in a state with draconian dairy laws. Find out what your local laws are and work with them - or know what you are risking working around them. If you have access to a certified kitchen, or can get some institution to certify a kitchen for the collective good, by all means explore these routes. We are going to need more people cooking - and this is a reasonable source of income.
4. Teaching food storage, preservation and food security. There are a couple of ways you could do this. One is through your local community college extension courses, another is privately. You might run classes out of your home or you might offer private lessons if the market will bear it - you go to their house and help them with their first canning attempts. You will probably need a fair bit of experience and some practice or credentials - my suggestion would be to teach the classes for free a few times through a local coop or health food store, as a volunteer, and then use that to leverage yourself into being able to charge. This will depend on the market and local interest - but it is worth a shot.
5. Canning on shares - if you can find a certified kitchen, what about preserving other people’s food for them? They could pay you, or they could give you a portion of the preserved food as part of the deal - which, if it was canned in a certified kitchen, you could then sell.
6. Produce sales - you talk to local gardeners who grow enough extra to want a little cash, but not enough to be worth setting up a stand. Find 5-10 of these and ta da - you pay them for their extra strawberries and sweet corn and you sell it, either from an actual produce stand at the farmer’s market or through a stand at your house, and you keep the markup. You can do eggs this way too, and even local crafts, soap, etc…
7. Food access expansion. When Eric and I were caring for his grandparents, his grandmother wanted very much to buy local, fresh food. The difficulty was that at first, she was nervous about driving to unfamiliar areas, and later, unable to drive herself. It was easy enough for us to pick up extra produce when we went to our local farmstand. And gradually we noticed that other seniors in our rural area had the same problem - they missed the fresh raspberries and really “chickeny” chicken of their youth, but trips to the farmer’s market were hard - they were often tired or relied on other people to take them shopping. Extra stops and out of the way areas were simply too overwhelming. So, for a time, we’d stop by and pick up extra produce for them too. Now this was a not-for profit thing, but the seeds of a business are there - either shopping on comission for those too busy or unable to get out, or transporting people to farmer’s markets or farmstands in order to increase demand for local food.
8. Set up pantries. I suspect there are some people out there concerned with food storage who have more time than money - they want to build food storage, but don’t have time to clean out space, set up a pantry and stock it. So you be the “provident pantry” dude. You volunteer to come over, clear out the shelves, place and pick up the bulk order and put it into buckets. You might also offer menus and suggestions for using food storage. I should note that I generally shy away from strategies that mostly involve serving the affluent, but in this case, I actually think food security is one of those things that serves everyone - everyone in the community is better off when people have enough to eat.
9. Teach cooking classes - teaching people to cook bulk staple foods and to adapt their diets to food storage and local eating is important work. If you haven’t taught before, do it as a volunteer a few times. Consider seeing if you can get local grant money from any organization to cover your time, so that you can offer classes for free for those who may need them but can’t afford to pay - many towns have budgets that might locate a few hundred dollars to pay you to help low income folks be able to make better use of low cost foods. These classes can be taught anywhere, though - through churches, out of your home, to teenage homeschoolers and even through workplaces.
10. Combine items, but don’t ”cook” them - there are plenty of grey areas here that might allow you to sell home produced foods, but without getting into the legal mess of selling cooked items. You can mix teas, spice mixes, beans for soup mix, make flour mixes for gluten free or specialty baking, make herbal tinctures (don’t do this unless you know what you are doing and are familiar with the laws about making health claims for herbal medicines), and otherwise take other people’s products and mix them without doing anything that can get you in trouble.
Ok, other suggestions? The reality is that with almost 70,000 jobs gone in just one day yesterday, a lot of us are going to need ways to do good work and make a living.
- Food Storage , community
- Comments(30)
Watch out for herbal tinctures. While herbs for tea (presumably including blends) are legally raw materials that anyone can sell, tinctures are processed products that might be treated as dietary supplements even if no claims whatsoever are made. At best, they’d be treated as processed foods, like vanilla. At worst, FDA’s new regulations on supplements, which were literally designed to shut down small businesses, would be applied. For example, each batch may be required to be “tested” for identity, potency, etc. - TWICE, possibly at a cost of $hundreds each time, even if you’re making it by the quart - and for everything you do, you may be expected to hire a second person to stand and watch to document that you did it. FDA has now arrogated to itself the right, for “homeland security” reasons, to demand registration, batch tracking, etc. from producers of goods for human consumption who sell only intrastate, so it doesn’t think the commerce clause limits who these rules can be applied to. Thus, they technically make all manufacture of products by home herbalists illegal. FDA has said it will exercise “enforcement discretion” where “batches” compounded by herbalists for single patients are involved, but who knows whether that will continue when the Big Pharma fatcats start seeing their obscene profit margins drop?
I’ve got enough herbal knowledge to make money at it, if this were a free country - but it isn’t, so I will be very cautious so long as federal regulations are being enforced here in flyover land. Rather, I would consider ways to make money by enabling people to have access to these medicines, without actually making them myself. For example, could you teach classes and sell seedlings of medicinal plants? (Don’t make unreasonable claims, and provide written disclaimers for everything.)
This isn’t a separate idea, but a brainstorm of places that might have commercially-certified kitchens you can rent or borrow -
Any community center that routinely caters events, including banquet halls and your place of worship - my FNB group used to cook for free, in a commercial kitchen at a local community center that served summer lunch program. My church rents out their kitchen for a very nominal fee for fundraising groups like Pancakes Not Prisons. Parks, community colleges, and community outreach groups may all be looking for extra revenue.
A local “small business incubator” center - old school buildings and empty public buildings like former nursing homes are sometimes set up to rent out retail and commercial kitchen space. There is one in Minneapolis near the University is an old high school with a nice kitchen.
An empty restaurant space may be available by the day or on an occasional basis while the landlord looks for new tenants. We have a bunch of small local taquerias that go in and out of business and I know one neighborhood caterer has a deal with one of the commercial property landlords to use whichever storefront is currently closed, for a lowered cost, when she has an event to cater.
One thing that I’ve started in the past year is a loca lfruit CSA. It’s not actually a real CSA, but more like a local fruit buying club. We take memberships for the season, so people pay up front, and then purchase fruit from local farmers in bulk, either on a weekly basis in the summer, or all at once in the case of storage apples in the winter. We’ve found that this arrangement allows our members to pick up a weekly share of fruit along with their vegetable CSA (which is a “real” CSA - there is also a bread CSA at the same pickup) and gets them more loca lfruit for their money. We charge $10/week, and people get approximately 12-20 worth of fruit, depending on the week. It guarantees income to local farmers, and allows me to supplement my husband’s income (I’m “officially” a stay-at-home mom, but I can take the kids with me to do this). Further, my partner is a vegetable farmer (who runs the veggie CSA to which we are affiliated) and this allows her to have some income which is not back-breaking. We are planning to build a kitchen to get a 20C license this winter so that next summer we can pickle and can CSA leftovers, to try to eek all the income we can out of her farm. We are committed to selling things at a reasonable cost - I attended a NYS small-scale Food Processors meeting and was *schocked* at the prices people charge. Most of them serve the upscale boutique industry in tourist towns. I don’t begrudge them their income, but that’s *not* what we want to do. Many people in my community feel that everyone should do their own canning in the years to come, but in my view, that doesn’t mesh with reality. Many people are unable to preserve their own food for many reasons, and will need access to qualilty, affordable food from local sources.
Yesterday, a local farmer posted on Freecycle. She Offered a dead yearling sheep that had been healthy on Sunday and had died accidentally overnight (she thinks a horse knocked it into a wall and broke its neck). Her freezer is full, and she’s short on time, so she made an offer - pick up the sheep quickly, and he’s all yours. I responded, mostly because I want to improve my butchering skills and wanted to tan the hide. I hadn’t been sure about eating it, since I don’t know the person. I had vage plans to see what he looked like and then decide between eating him and giving him to a friend for her dogs. I got an e-mail back from her, saying that she has received dozens of replies - so many that she was overwhelmed by the number of people who were HUNGRY enough to come pick up a dead sheep from someone they don’t know.
That was pretty shocking.
Practically everything was a cottage industry, once!
There’s this fantastic list posted by Rob at Transition Culture of Victorian country/small town careers (though I’m not sure what a “barrister and coffee roaster” is — maybe he means “barista?” — chuckle — but if you think about it, it’s practically all about food security in one way or another. A good game might be to print out, say, four copies of it and sit around the table seeing how many each person present knows enough about to do, then compare lists and start teaching them to one another.
risa b
I do grow food and will soon have excess. I was approached last week by a gentleman who very much wanted to help with my business. I said that would be great, and he explained that I would continue to slave away {Ok, I’m paraphrasing} and he would find buyers. I laughed in his face.
From previous experience here I have to fight off the buyers, there is never enough for them.
I asked Mr. Sales Manager how he felt about weeding and hoeing. He wasn’t charmed.
So, for those of you approaching the sharecroppers, please don’t insult them. This fellow meant well, but the veggies draw buyers like magnets. I have waiting lists.
I also have tons of free growing area if anyone asks. Here, put your stuff down in this bed, give me a few measly pesos for the water each month and have fun. No thanks, exertion is involved. The average US citizen {these are all
snowbirds} is not into survival or even better food if it involves sweat. Better for me that way. I’m raising my prices until the market resists. Meanwhile, the people that don’t have the cash can grow their own if they wish. Fair is fair.
Sharon, I have been thinking along these very lines myself. A couple additional ideas: if you have land, you could set up community gardens for others to grow on. You plow the land and mark out plots, others rent the space and grow their own stuff. Maybe you provide water and some advice. You need some kind of agreement or contract about (non)use of pesticides and keeping it weeded.
Another idea, and I totally agree with your thoughts about not catering to the rich, but being an in-home cook to people who will pay you seems to skirt the licensing and certification issues. You buy groceries and go to their house once a week to prep, cook, assemble, freeze some, and leave instructions for several days worth of meals.
Another idea: Take the old share-cropping idea, and scale it down to what I call “garden share-cropping”. Find some neighbors who have plenty of lawn space and would like fresh vegies and fruits, but don’t have the time or know how or strength or energy to do their own gardening. Offer to do a garden on their land, and share the produce 50:50.
I would suggest some sort of written agreement, and ideally make it a multi-year commitment. It might take several years to really build the soil up so it is productive. You don’t want to do all that extra work, and then have the neighbor back out just about the time all of your hard work is really paying off.
When I lived in Arizona there was a family vegetable stand. Over time, it grew. It went from an expanded-shed building with veggies and a few what nots - to homemade fudges (the pumpkin pie fudge was awesom), imported boutique packets of soup mix, etc.
Outside they added a petting zoo. Put together a “train” with a lawn tractor pulling home-made “cars” - half 50 gallon drum-sized carts with wheels set in the center. - about 4 to 10 in the train. You could ride this snaky contraption - bright colors, nice seats, etc. - to the open veggie rows and back. There were a few rusted antique implements to “gosh! wow!” over. They trucked in pumpkins for a halloween pumpkin patch. The even held school field days - I saw a half dozen large (this was Phoenix!) school buses one morning. Brave folks!
There used to be scissors and knife sharpeners, people that would travel about sharpening implements for folks. Depending on how things go, that might return. Today many people don’t use a knife for much, or notice if their stamped sheet steel knife is fairly dull - it still slices the plastic wrap OK! But - that may change..
There may also be a reason to consider making, repairing, customizing, and sharpening garden tools and implements. Hoes and scythes will become more important, if rototillers and weed eaters fall by the wayside.
Perhaps even mule, horse, or oxen drawn plowing, in the future? The implements are available - Pioneer Equipment makes Amish plows, cultivators, wagons, forecarts, etc. Once you get a route to plow gardens - what about gathering compost or manure, and selling compost or fertilizer?
Small Farmers Journal had an article 10 years ago or so, where some plain folk in Pennsylvania farmed 12 strips, each 1/2 acre, as organic truck farms. They planted and plowed under cover crops, left alternating strips fallow each year (cover crops were plowed under for weed control, with nothing harvested). They used pigs and chickens to churn and compost their horse and cow manure. A large green house, heated by compost mostly, produced seedlings and some flowers for sale. Nordeen, I think their name was.
And maybe just plain transportation of foodstuffs and people. Drag a horse- or ox-drawn wagon load of veggies to a local restaurant today, and it would be “quaint”. But when transportation costs go up - the time may count less than the expense of keeping an oil-driven truck going. Plus, the pace and effort can be an excellent part of a youth’s education.
Note: Owning and working horses and oxen are much more involved than owning a dog - more like the effort to learn to fly and maintain a small airplane.
What about raising and training guard or herding dogs. I can’t imagine training cats to herd, but if you were good at it..
There should be an opportunity for woodworking to support off the grid living. Bread boxes, potato and onion bins, shelving and cupboards, as well as other furniture and furnishings, toys, tool handles. Gardens can often benefit from stakes for beans, tomatoes, etc., and label stakes for different plantings.
Back with transportation - gathering scrub brush and tree trimmings to make compost and charcoal from the scraps.
There is likely room for training in composting, and making compost handling equipment and facilities.
A community could benefit from someone able to assess gardens for soil viability, and make recommendations for soil amendments.
Someone able and willing to build fences, lay out community plots and drive corner posts, take up temporary fencing, and make row-spacing gauges.
[...] Casaubon’s Book » Blog Archive » Food Security as a Cottage Industry It would be great if all of us had the luxury of putting our community’s food security needs at the top of our agendas, simply because we care. The problem, of course, is the need for us to meet other requirements - to make a living, get food on the table, tend our families, etc… One of the ways we can find more time for this project is to shift some of our income to local food security work. So what kind of jobs are there that allow you to improve your local food economy? How might you make a cottage industry niche for yourself that might simultaneously improve your family’s economic security in tough times, and also help your community maintain a food supply? [...]
I’m 62 and have been gardening for about 20 years — increasingly intensively for the last 5 or so. My raised beds get continuously better and my blueberry bushes and kiwi vines get larger and more productive.
But I look at this garden now and wonder how many more years I can tend it at the level of effort it requires. I’m strong and in good health, but that can always change.
I can foresee a time when I need help to tend my garden. I dread the time when I might have to abandon it to a new homeowner with no interest in gardening (or a totally different idea about what a garden should be). I have no children to pass this garden on to or to help me with it.
I think that the prospect of finding “share-croppers” who will tend the garden and share the produce with me is a good one, especially once I am physically unable to do the work.
With many millions of people living in apartments and townhouses totally lacking in garden space, it seems that there will be a great many people willing to share-crop, especially if they can take over a highly-developed fertile garden and work with a home gardener who loves his garden and has always gardened organically.
I recently ran across a brochure for a herdshare, which works roughly like this:
* you buy a share of a dairy cow
*you pay the herd owner an agistment/handling fee
*the produce of the cow belongs to you
*the herd owner is not selling milk or dairy products, as is spelt out in the contract, he is just charging you $x an hour to milk your cow for you - a labour charge, not a selling price
*thus apparently circumventing various laws regarding milk sales especially unpasteurised.
Anyway I thought it was interesting because I thought you could take that whole agistment/labour charge concept and apply it to lots of tricky to sell legally animal products.
For example, I shudder to think of the legal issues here in Tasmania if I wanted to sell dressed poultry, but what about a hire charge for a chicken ark or tractor full of young broiler chicks - my place or yours, and when the time comes they are processed for you at ‘no charge’. The hire / agistment fee would probably be about fair market price for say a dozen frozen chickens.
I think lots of people with a little extra yard space would be quite happy to raise their own broilers, its just the…er …transition from feathered friend to frozen feast that stops them.
Anyway, an interesting angle.
An enterprising person around here dropped a simple flyer through my letterbox the otherday. He has a small business of delivering manure, mulch and compost by the bag to city gardeners. He collects it and on-sells it. For a reasonable fee he will also build a small, raised vegetable garden and fill it with his mix of soil, manure, compost and mulch, ready for planting.
I thought this was a pretty good idea.
There are also franchised home-delivered permaculture businesses - a bit like paying someone to mow your lawn but they come and tend your vege garden using permaculture principles.
When the price of seafood collapsed this past summer a few enterprising fishermen along the coast of Maine created a Seafood CSA. It has been very successful.
Many folks in my area trade eggs for feed at the local feed store.
I have noticed that as a home gardener there are some veggies that just aren’t sold at the farmers market or farmstands, such as asparagus. So if I were able, I would try to fill this niche. It would be seasonal, but would fill a void for one time of the year.
One garden I volunteer for is in the process of creating a community composting program. Huge compost piles are built and turned every 21 days. The hope is to get it working
enough that we could sell compost in order to raise funds for the garden.
Another way to make some money is to find ways to provide services for livestock. Shearing, boarding, farm sitting.
I think that, what it comes down to, is that the whole old fashion notion of home economics is making a come back. So any knowledge that can be shared is an opportunity to make some money.
I am always a bit confused with the advice to “find your local farmer”. Or “find your local farmers market”. I live outside a large city in Ohio and there are no local farmers and the farmers market close to town is a boutique that is waaaay out of my price range. I guess it’s good if you want to call a $6.50 jar of fruit preserves food storage.
The u-pick places that are within driving distance are so expensive that the gas is prohibitive and add on the cost of the produce and you end up paying about 1.50 a pound for apples. They sell their seconds to the locals so you can’t get a deal there either.
Lots of wonderful ideas - I’m sort of putting back the garden ideas until early February, when we start a flow of garden design and small farming ideas, but these are great.
Alan, I would suggest not waiting - do you know any teenagers or newly unemployed younger folks in your neighborhood? You could offer to teach them gardening and a small share of your produce in exchange for help in the garden - I know you can still do it, but the relationships might be worth it. Heck, it sounds like your gardens are spectacular enough that you should consider offering garden classes - and among the class projects could be some heavy work that needs doing .
ArdenLynn, that’s a hard thing - I can’t really blame farmers for seeking out affluent customers to make a living, but we’ve got to find ways to bring about affordable food to ordinary people. One of the ways we can do that is gardening in cities, and making sure that there’s produce being produced on people’s lots already. Can you contact your local community garden or community extension or urban food systems group and talk to them about this and find out more about your options? Where in Ohio? Maybe someone here has suggestions!
I’ve been thinking about making sourdough bread (thanks to Sharon’s food storage class) and perhaps bartering with it. I’d also like to get a worm bin and sell the castings (after I’ve taken what I need). Eventually I want to get rabbits and sell their manure.
I think a lot about compost farming, linking up with local restaurants, collecting veggie waste.
I just saw these guys on Craig’s list great idea designing and/or installing root cellars.
oops here is the link
A local wrestling celebrity used to give coffee away for free if you bought a cup for a nominal amount. That is how he got away with not having to comply with health department supervision. If someone routinely brought their own cup, you could sell them something else for their coffee. I have a culinary bay tree that is taking over the world and needs pruning. I haven’t yet discovered where to sell on a regular basis, but I sold some to a florist once. We do need to mix it up among the classes now, I think. Thank you for this thread.
We live in orchard country and the orchards take all the smaller apples and sell them in 50# bags as “Deer Apples” for just a couple of dollars. Pick the right bag and they are big enough to eat or for sauce and pies.
[...] great article from Sharon Astyk. The empire is collpasing, civilisation as we know it, is coming to an end, and in this transition [...]
[...] via: Casaubon’s Book [...]
I have just started teaching a variety of cooking classes from my home and have been astounded with the response I’ve received. My “So Long Supermarket, Hello Pantry” class filled up in January and is full in February, too. I teach bread & bagel making classes, yogurt & soft cheese making, making stocks, and a few others.
Something we have a lot of here in Portland is “backyard farmers” who grow CSA produce on lots throughout the city. We considered having one work our side lot, but to get back to gardening it ourselves again this year. Anyway, it’s a great idea for someone with farming/marketing skills but not a lot of land.
[...] Sharon It would be great if all of us had the luxury of putting our community’s food security needs at [...]
I’ve started a company that builds on a number of these idea. I install and maintain organic vegetable gardens for families, companies, religious organizations, condo developments or anyone else that wants one. I will also give lessons on how to preserve any excess harvest. There a number of companies around the country that are doing this with a number of slightly different models. All have started in just the last few years and seem to be taking off.
As for teaching people how to preserve their food or doing the preservation as a service, in New York State the only kind of food preservation that requires that it be done in a commercial kitchen is canning. Freezing and drying are not covered by that requirement and many of the items that could be canned could be frozen or dried instead. Even with canning if you just teach the person how to do it, but actually they do the canning a commercial kitchen is not required. I’m sure different states have different requirements but those can be investigated.
Also communities can develop food security plans for themselves. Shelburne Falls, MA, with the help of the Conway School Of Landscape Design, the Central Connecticut River Valley Institute and the Apios Institute to start developing just such a plan. For more info any of those organizations can be contacted.
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