Independence Day Update #1

Sharon May 4th, 2009

It is definitely not too late to sign up to join this year’s challenge - just add your name to the comments and start posting, either here in comments or on your own blog.  I’m really going to try and do this every Monday for a whole year (well, yeah, we always start out things like this as optimists, right ;-) ). 

This was not my best week - I was in the North Country in the Adirondacks last weekend, got back late on Sunday, and left town again for Maine on Wednesday afternoon, and, of course, it is a tough time to be away from the garden.  Still, a bit got done.

Plant something: Broccoli, Cabbage, Peas (ok, Eric and the boys planted these), carrots, radishes, beets, parley, onions, chard, lemon balm, sage, thyme, chinese cabbage, komatsuna, early tomatoes, lettuce, saltwort, pansies, johnny jump ups, california poppies, regular poppies.

Harvest something: Chives, nettles, dandelions, rhubarb, asparagus, sorrel

Preserve something: Dried nettles and raspberry leaves.

Reduce Waste: Sorted out the apples from winter, and dried and sauced the last few goods ones, planted the sprouted onions for spring greens. 

Preparation and Storage: This was my best category, because while in visiting family I hit a library sale and managed to get us almost to a full set of Hardy Boys book (the old ones) - which actually is a prep, when you’ve got four book-addicted children ;-) ; and hit Savers for pants and pajamas for rapidly growing eldest for next year. 

Build Community Food Systems - Nothing in my community.  Can I count the two talks I did on _A Nation of Farmers?_ 

Eat the Food - Because we don’t use our fridge, going out of town means eating everything or taking it with us.   We managed not to throw any usable food out or let anything get wasted, which for us is pretty good.  But we didn’t cook much of anything in particular, since we didn’t want leftovers.

Not my best week, but I’ve got an entire week of gardening ahead of me to catch up!  Can’t wait!!!

How about you?


91 Responses to “Independence Day Update #1”

  1. Karen in Rural British Columbia, Canada says:

    Plant Something: cabbage seedlings, walla walla onion seedlings, pansies, carrot seeds, Goji Berrie Shrubs, Bladder Senna Shrubs

    Harvest Something: watercress, spinach, sorrel, lettuce, green onions, green garlic

    Reduce Waste: used cardboard from old boxes saved all winter to line the paths in the vegetable garden to eliminate weeds

    Preparation and Storage: Violet leaves and flowers in olive oil to make skin salve

    Build Community Food Systems: Taught a composting class to a group of young moms at the Community Greenhouse

    Eat the Food: watercress and spinach salad (yum), roast chicken with the last of our stored potatoes, porridge with dried cherries

  2. Janice says:

    Just signing up, sounds like fun!! Also keeps me accountable to someone. :D

    Plant Something: Inside have planted beans, squashes, cucumbers, cabbage broccoli, hollyhock, eggplant, peppers, cherry tomatoes, a variety of herbs, ….. Outside I planted lettuce, carrots, spinach, onions, beetes, kale, potatoes and radishes.

    Harvest something: Too early, but I did thin my cabbage starts and my daughter and I had cabbage sprouts on our baked potatoe with cheese for lunch. :)

    Reduce Waste: Used old newspapers to make most of my seedling pots.

    Preparation and Storage: I have been stocking up trying to have a years worth of food in my canning pantry. The last thing I did was Boston Baked Beans and Pork and Beans. Been doing Pinto Beans too.

    Community: We do a meal at the Shepherds House (one of our local missions) once a week. Last week I sent pasta and vegetarian spaghetti sauce and cones for the ice cream.

    Eat the food: We ate the cabbage sprouts. I also have been trying to use up some of what is left in the pantry before it is time to do more. Still have alot of jam, and we have been eating the applesauce.

    This will also be on my blog at:

  3. Jyotsna says:

    I’m in for Independence Day!

    Plant Something:
    I’ve just started, so I did start some sunflowers and lettuce. I have lots of starts.

    Harvest something:
    Nothing to harvest yet.

    Reduce Waste:
    Using egg cartons for some of my starts.

    Preparation and Storage:
    Reading my new/old canning book, “Stocking Up”.

    Continuing my heavy storage challenge, starting to lack places to store things. Thinking about buying the 15# bag of oatmeal instead of scooping 15# with a small scoop.

    Cleared out all the unneeded, unwanted things from under my cabinet and freed up some space to keep more canning jars.

    Community: Shared a meal with some friends, talked about gardening, and food storage.

    Eat the food:
    Made a tasty soup with the older veggies in the fridge, helping the children to get more used to a pantry life style by putting out the breakfast items from the pantry on day and let them spice up their own oatmeal, or add nuts, seeds, dried fruit and honey.

    Used the entire amount of dried milk I bought in January, and have it on the list.

  4. Sizzling Sister says:

    Planted to fill the holes in the new long basin of cucumbers, merry melons, and summer squash. Will add native sunflower seeds at the edges tomorrow morning for company’s sake, and will be buying and planting native blackeyed peas this very week.

    Harvested spicy radishes for dessert tonight. A large handful of red marbles was too many, and washed it down with a gulp (okay, okay 2 medium gulps) of Yukon Jack. Never drank whiskey before, and two gulps is all I could manage. Real antidote to what hails you, and maybe any pandemic anything, me thinks. The peas and beans are starting to bloom. Life is wonder.

    Preserve something: Netting has stopped the birds from swallowing the 5 peaches on the new container tree, and the 4 figs on the newly planted tree are ripening beautifully. Found two lizzards thus far entangled in the net, and preserved their memories in respectable compost burials.

    Reduce waste: Officially renaming category to Reduce Waist. Found out that insurance plan offers full membership to YMCA if in the Silver Sneakers age bracket. Why not Platinum Poupees, and I’ll gladly go along with the flow and get down, get funky on the mat. What an amazing benefit and I am grateful.

    Prep & Storage: Bought books galore about various practical subjects. Storage is coming along well, and prep is a state of mind.

    Build Community Food Systems: Always, always thinking about this. Keep offering gardening tips and relevant local referrals to those asking for info via Craigslist.

    Eat the food: Intercropped rows of radishes have done so well, and should use a thin layer of butter on them to tame their heat.

    Best until next week.

  5. Mary says:

    Plant: dozen sweet potato plants, flowers in the veg. garden to attract pollinators.
    Harvest: basil, zucchini, yellow brittle beans
    Preserve: nada
    Reduce Waste: set the horned caterpillars I picked off the tomatoes out for the hawks.
    Prep & Storage: purchased hand grinder
    Build Community Food Sys: working with a neighbor to start her own garden, gave away basil seedlings
    Eat the food: fantastic pesto, sauteed zuch, pasta from storage.
    Too much fun!!!!

  6. Kathy AO says:

    Plant something: Peas, blueberry bushes, cilantro, basil, tomatoes, raspberries.

    Harvest something: Chives, dandelion leaves.

    Preserve something: -

    Reduce waste: Bought steel water bottle, scheduled major house insulation.
    Prep & storage: Bought & set up Berkey, ordered 3 mo’s meds, stocked up on popcorn & toiletries, brought up May box of food to figure out what we actually use this month.

    Build community: Organizing neighborhood summer camp & babysitting co-op; helped elderly neighbor build raised beds in exchange for raspberry plants, ordering baby chicks to raise/neighbor to keep.

    Eat the food: My boys have already eaten a week’s worth of crackers in three days - obviously we need to store more or eat more bread! Haven’t eaten the chives or dandelions yet.

  7. gaiasdaughter says:

    Ooops! Posted this in the wrong place originally. Here it is again:

    1. Plant something – replanted chard and okra to compensate for a less than stellar germination rate. I also planted three flower boxes with a mixture of leaf lettuces and rocket (arugula).

    2. Harvest something – harvested a couple of bell peppers from a bush that overwintered on my back porch and some radishes.

    3. Preserve something - Not this week. Florida has such a long growing season that fresh food is available year round – if not from the garden, at least from the wild. Preserving is not a biggie on my list – but it would be nice to learn a few tricks in case I ever need them.

    4. Reduce waste – Composting with and without worms. Worms look happy so far as I can tell. Recycling what I can. Reusing wine bottles to make a border for the beds along my walk — better known in quilting circles as drunkard’s path! Making my own yogurt in reuseable glass jars.

    5. Preparation and Storage — Baked bread using the method described in Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois and made yogurt. Finished reading Toolbox for Sustainable City Living by Scott Kellogg and Stacy Pettigrew. While the book does not go into enough detail to be a true ‘how-to’ book, it does introduce a whole panoply of possibilities for what can be done in an urban (suburban, or even rural) setting. Ordered Depletion and Abundance by Sharon Astyk. Started an emergency pantry and began stocking with beans, rice, dried fruit and canned goods. Here on my sandbar in the Gulf of Mexico, our most likely emergency would be a hurricane – in which case the pantry might be gone with the wind. Hence, I’m building an emergency supply but in very limited amounts.

    6. Build Community Food Systems – Gave a loaf of homemade bread to a neighbor and took another neighbor on a tour of my garden.

    7. Eat the Food – The radishes and peppers went into a salad; bread and yogurt don’t last long in our house.

  8. Karin says:

    I have posted my ID update on my blog. It has been great to have the focus of the IDC again. Winter hibernation is such a quiet time. Now that busy spring is here, I feel like am so productive!

  9. Anne says:

    1. plant something: potatoes, onions, garlic, peas, beans, leeks, lettuce, beets, carrots, sage.

    2. harvest something: chives.

    3. preserve something: not this week.

    4. reduce waste: composted, used up all the leftovers from the dinner party Saturday.

    5. preparation and storage: read Just In Case, restocked food storage with what we’d used up.

    6. build community food systems: loaned Square Foot Gardening to a neighbor, and gave her my extra composted manure for her garden.

    7. eat the food: ate up a bunch more vegetables from our freezer that were put up during last growing season — almost done with them!

  10. Gail says:

    Hello from Colorado

    Like many others the flu was a wake up call for me. I went down into my organized pantry, what a lovely thing, to see what might be wanting. I read on the internet that Tamiflu is or was extracted from star anise, which I have in the spice cabinet. Further research resulted in a garam masala recipe which I used on my chicken last night.

    My little non-electric washing machine arrived and I did my first back deck laundry yesterday. I also got a very nice watering can and a water storage container. I will buy Carla Emery’s book that I have borrowed from the library.

    Planted: garlic, onions, chard

    Harvested: dandelions, parsley, turnip greens, chives, eggs and kale

    Local: attended a meeting ( I don’t do meetings) of the local living economy in support of a all-year market in my fair city. Last night I scared the local fox out of the backyard next to my chicken coop. Roommate says if I buy him a slingshot he will teach that critter a lesson.

    Waste: My new shopping bag is made out of recycled nylon shower curtains. I figured out how to ride the bus out to the new library. I found out my old bicycle has “vintage” value and they would take it on trade. I’ve been eying the giant tricycles. I would really love to get back on a bike.

  11. Lynnet says:

    Wow! I’m just amazed at how much people have accomplished.

    1. Plant something: replanted tomato and pepper seeds, using a better potting soil hopefully. My first batch never even came up after more than 2 weeks. Found out that a lot of potting soil is made only for houseplants and will not support germination.

    2. Harvest something: not yet, though there are certainly plenty of dandelion flowers out there! And the fruit trees are just LOADED with flowers.

    3. Preserve something: candied some grapefruit rind. Ate it all!

    4. Reduce waste: Can’t think of anything new.

    5. Prep and storage: Took extension class in pressure canning. Very interesting, but you really need to cook those veggies to death. I think I’ll continue mainly with lactofermentation, drying, and freezing for veggies.

    6. Build community: Preparing for a food storage class for members of my local food coop. Went to the first farmer’s market and came home with hothouse tomatoes and cukes.

    7. Eat the food. Still enjoying nectarines and home-dried fruits. Used two more jars of home-canned tomatoes. Made a dandy soup with home chicken broth, home-dried green beans and peppers, and CSA onions. I’ve been trying to think of a way to use those dried veggies, and this works really well.

    Still using lactofermented veggies every day, though our stock is dwindling. Cooked and served stored cranberry beans, nice!. Ate another package of frozen snap peas. They’re somewhat mushy. I just defrost them without cooking any more and they’re good enough. Made a caprese salad with the new hothouse tomatoes, local raw-milk mozzarella (from freezer), and pesto I put up last summer.

  12. Jim says:

    Tender hearted, stroke a nettle, and it stings you for your pains
    But grasp it like a man of mettle, and soft as silk it remains

    Sharon, nettle fiber is available online:

    But no doubt you make your own, with your kids trampling the nettles and your loyal husband grasping them (see above).

    I planted more mixed greens and I need to clean out more of the garden beds ere planting corn, beans and gourds.

  13. Gina says:

    I glean so many great ideas from everyone’s updates! I’m so happy this challenge is being continued!
    I agree it is a much more positive approach to being prepared.

    My first update overlaps with last year’s weeks (I started late last year and really wanted to complete a year, but this put me behind again this year), so Y1 weeks 51 and 52 is also Y2 weeks 1 and 2. There! Now I’m caught up, LOL!

    I usually update IDC on Sundays at and hope to be more detailed this year (and more productive!)

  14. anita says:

    This year I’m taking part—or at least that’s my intent. Who knows what will happen in the summer doldrums? Anyway, my update is on my blog, since it got rather lengthy.

  15. Heather says:

    Plant: peas

    Harvest: dandelion greens

    Preserve: Nope

    Reduce Waste: L and I took up kungfu and need a kicking/punching bag, so we’re going to stuff it with old clothes (I have some I was reluctant to throw out but wouldn’t be good for rugs, and we already have enough cleaning rags). Yay! Plus I’m back into sewing, so I have some scraps that will go to that project.

    Used much of the water from my winter window warming bottles for watering my plants before putting them into storage.

    Preparation and Storage: Got a couple of small bottles for iodine, so the bugout kits will have that instead of a large heavy bottle. Got veggie gel caps so I can make some of my own herbal meds (nettles for allergies).

    Build Community Food Systems: Blogging mostly, but also found another person who likes beets. My in-laws grow beets but only like the greens, so I harvest the beets, keep some, and give some to other people. We don’t like them _that_ much, so I’m happy to find more people who like them. Plus, I’ll be getting a recipe from another friend for a great beet soup.

    Eat the Food: Eating some from emergency stores, to keep the food rotating. Think I’ll make more lentils this week and throw some of the dandelion greens with them. Some are going into today’s soup.

  16. Heather says:

    Oh, I forgot! Also got milk and yogurt from farm down the road from us. They let their cows have a break during the winter, so no milk from them during that time (small herd). If we want milk there are other farmers in our part of the state, but it’s even nicer getting it from a neighbor.

  17. Kate says:

    I am extremely busy right now but I feel inspired by this challenge and will participate as much as I can.

    Plant something: This week I planted 2 strawberry plants, and three kinnikinnik.

    Eat the Food: I ate raisins I made last year from my grapevine and prunes I dried from a tree in a vacant lot in my neighborhood. I also ate scrambled eggs almost every morning from my chickens, and used them in a birthday cake for a friend. I made a sweet potato black bean chili using stored onions and dried oregano from my garden last year.

    Preparation: I did a small amount of weeding.

    Community Food Systems: I bought salad greens from a local grower and ate them. They were good - full of baby kale, garlic scapes, fennel and other stuff I’m not sure what it was. I don’t know if this counts but I bought bread from a local bakery, too.

    Thanks so much for the inspirational blog. I love reading it!

  18. Traci says:

    Thank you, Sharon! *Independence Days* has motivated me to do more than I thought I ever could. I expect that I will accomplish even more this year.

    Over the last couple of weeks I planted over 30 fruit trees/bushes and 3 almond trees.

    This past week:

    Planted: lettuce, collards, swiss chard, carrots, pumpkins, sunflowers, calendula flowers, and oats

    Harvested: chickweed, eggs, milk

    Preserved: cultured butter and buttermilk

    Reduced Waste: My husband and middle son joined me in the commitment to eat vegetarian when we are away from home (unless we know how the meat was raised).

    My husband has been bringing LOTS of leftovers from his restaurant for our pigs. His employees have been excited about it and are willing to separate out the meat from veges & bread stuff.

    Prep & Storage: weeded garlic, added to our collection of books from a big trip to the Goodwill bins.

    Build Community Food Systems: I made an arrangement with my farmer friend down the road to use his excess cream to make butter for us to share.

    Eat the Food: I made yummy coconut-cherry balls from storage.

    1 cup shredded dried coconut (unsweetened)
    1 cup toasted pecans
    1/4-1/2 dried cherries
    1 heaping T coconut oil
    dates to taste- I think I used 5 (these I bought for this recipe)

    Combine in a food processor until everything is the same consistency. (small bits)
    Roll into small balls and dip into shredded coconut.

    I used the last of our apples to make apple-rhubarb crisp

  19. Chandra says:

    Sine me up! My weekly updates are posted to my website

  20. Chandra says:

    Funny. Sine me up. I must have been sympathizing with my daughter, enduring her Math finals today.

  21. Kati says:

    I’m keeping my categories just as I had them last year. Here’s a clipped version of what I wrote on my blog on Sunday.

    Planted: Nothing BRAND new, but I did transplant 3 basil seedlings that a coworker gave me as a thank-you for the pepper seeds that I gave her. (Her pepper seeds also sprouted!!!) I also transplanted the 2 hyacinth bulbs I had that sprouted, but haven’t yet flowered. They’d gotten pretty root-bound and hopefully this transplant will allow them to flower. (I’d love some hyacinth flowers!!!)

    Harvested: nada

    Tended: yep, my lettuce and pepper seedlings. Also cleared the leaf-mulch off my strawberry patch. I’m not sure yet if the strawberry plants survived the winter. But that’s all besides what I mentioned above.

    Preserved: nope

    Make Preps: I bought myself that fire-starter stick. Told Scott that I want him to find me a pitchfork for here at the house, so I don’t have to borrow the FIL’s pitchfork every couple of weeks. (posted more info on Sunday’s blog entry)

    Cooked Something new/from scratch: the maple teriyaki salmon, the pierogi stuff, the salsa. (Posted recipes on my blog on Sunday.)

    Manage Reserves: still eatting potatoes from last year. Gotta get them all eatten, as the temps have warmed up enough that what’re left are going to start going bad soon.

    Work on/toward local food systems: gave some pepper seeds to a bunch of friends, and at least one of those friends has had success with the seeds. Got some basil seedlings back in exchange.

    Compost/Manage-reduce waste: compost bin finally thawed out (and the water receeded from around it) enough that I could get over and turn it. Found out that last year’s compost wasn’t completely composted yet. Added in the willow leaves that I’d used as mulch-cover for my strawberry patch, as well as some birch leaves from our back-neighbour’s tree. AND a (NASTY!) bucket of kitchen scraps that’d been sitting all winter and so-far into this spring. (Man, it thawed and liquified and was FLIPPIN’ GROSS!!!!! But, once mixed into the semi-processed compost and the new leaf-mulch, didn’t the small decreased enough that it’s tolerable and should quit smelling altogether as soon as it starts “heating” and composting.)

    Learned a new skill: nope.

  22. Johanna Knox says:

    Thanks for the chance to do this - even in wintry New Zealand …

    Plant something: Peas and snow peas. (I think two shoots have come up, and so far they seem to have survived this morning’s hail storm.)

    Harvest something: Chamomile flowers, lettuce, overgrown mesclun salad, and our pride and joy - sugarbeets!

    Preserve something: Dried chamomile flowers, started lacto-fermenting some sugarbeet and carrot, made quince jelly (although it turned out very runny - I was so sure I took it off the stove at the right time, but obviously not.)

    Reduce waste: Changed our wheelibin collection to a tag system, so they only come pick it up when we ask them to, instead of regularly. Keen to see how long I can go before filling the bin, even while on another decluttering binge …

    Preparation and storage: Bought some more bulk rice for our supplies, and a few other bits and pieces.

    Build Community Food Systems: Nothing really, but I did pop something into the food bank …

    Eat the food: Well, I suppose I have been trying to make sure all leftovers get eaten … and there is this new fig ice cream recipe I have been meaning to try with figs from my MIL’s tree …

  23. Saara says:

    Seems like most everyone is off to a great start! I just updated on my blog and am now off to read the other blog updates. :)

  24. Marian says:

    Thanks for offering this!
    week #1 of The Challenge:

    Plant Something: Rhubarb plants

    Harvest Something: Dandelions

    Preserve Something: Dried some dandelion leaves for tea

    Reduce Waste: Began making quilt from old fabric scraps

    Prep & Storage: Bought bulk rice, pasta, and flour.

    Build Community: Organized “Gardening Support Group” at my Church for fellow fruit & veggie growers.

    Eat the Food: Still eating last years tomato sauces and pestos….

    Eat the

  25. Claire says:

    From St. Louis, MO, where it’s still cloudy and kind of rainy (fortunately, since I am way behind on veggie gardening):

    Plant something: herb and edible flower seedlings into the new herb bed, and collard and purple bunching onion seedlings into the veggie garden. Potato plants are now appearing from last week’s planting. Also have dug the bed where about half the cool weather veggies will go, and started weeding the bed next to the patio which will get some native flowers, cosmos, and anise hyssop for extra color and benefits to the other inhabitants of the area.

    Harvest something: more wild lettuce, green garlic, green onions, lamsquarters, and sorrel for salads. We’re eating this salad at least once each day.

    Preserve something: the DH worked some on the solar food dehydrator he is building from plans. I keep an eye on the mint and lambsquarters, waiting for them to size up to where I want them for drying.

    Reduce Waste: started another compost pile cooking (up to the mid 80s already) and fed the worms in the worm bin. Also set cardboard aside for sheet mulch use later on, and saved the padded envelopes we received in the mail for reuse.

    Preparation and Storage: noted that our supply of dried milk and yerba mate tea were nearly out, so the DH ordered them from our food co-op. Just got A Nation of Farmers and a broadfork.

    Build Community Food Systems: received thanks from people to whom I distributed excess seed potatoes and raspberry plants, and our Zen Center teacher encouraged others to follow my example and pass along excess. In turn received some eggplant seeds from our teacher. And, although it isn’t really food-oriented, the DH and I did play music at our community association’s fundraiser, making the day more pleasant for the patrons and the workers and maybe even encouraging other people to consider playing a musical instrument too.

    Eat the Food: the wild salad mentioned above. The DH made an excellent black bean soup from locally grown beans and an Ancho pepper we froze from last year’s crop. He pureed the cooked beans and other ingredients, making a very smooth soup. One day we ate it with cornbread, the next with biscuits, both made from scratch. Added the wild salad for two excellent dinners, and still had some soup for a couple of lunches!

  26. Raye says:

    Planted: horseradish, potatoes, cucmber, squash, cabbage, cauliflower

    Harvested: violets, turnip greens, mache, garlic greens, asparagus, bee balm, oregano

    Preserved: bee balm and nettle

    Reduced waste: nothing out of the ordinary

    Prep and Store: Added Sambucus and cat food to pantry

    Build Community Food systems: talked to neighbor about food swapping

    Eat the food: Ate what was harvested (except drying herbs)

  27. katuah says:

    oops, I forgot to mention I’d be putting my updates on my blog. Update for this week is there, although I was a little late due to catching a nasty spring cold on Monday.

    WOW, can I say how impressed I am with EVERYONE! You are all an inspiration to me.

  28. Anne says:

    I’m a little late posting, but here goes:

    Planted: beets, chard. Also thinning & watering already planted seedlings of arugula, carrots, lettuce, spinach. Dug up new 4×6 bed.

    Harvested: very small amounts of spinach, corn salad, parsley

    Preserved: nothing. I do have a bunch of nettles and blackberries growing wild so perhaps I should look into preserving those for tea?

    Reduced waste: walked instead of drove for an errand with the kids (2 mile round trip)

    Prep and Store: Bought great food mill at thrift store! Bought emergency storage water. Extra cans of beans for pantry.

    Build Community Food systems: nothing really, but did meet my son’s schoolmate & mom while out walking. They invited us to meet their new chickens. Mom offered to share plans for chicken coop with us.

    Eat the food: Ate many basic tried and true, low cost meals this week.

  29. Diana says:

    Plant something – Homestead tomatoes, summer squash, zucchini, sweet basil and watermelon.

    Harvest something – fresh free-range eggs from our chickens.

    Preserve something – Froze extra portions of split pea soup made this week.

    Reduce waste – Only one trip to town for errands to save on gas. Leftover kitchen scraps went out to feed the poultry or into the compost. Our county has recycling bins for paper, plastic #1 & 2, glass, aluminum and steel. We do our part here and recycle all we can out of our daily trash. I also use cloth diapers so no diapers were added to landfills.

    Preparation and Storage – I scored a good deal at the discount table at my local grocery store this week. Four bags of dried beans w/ seasoning meant for the crock-pot. Just add a meat protein for a complete meal. I also picked up two bottles of a green surface cleaner that were also on the discount table. I added some other items to my stores as well, boxed mac & cheese, tuna, chocolate syrup and salsa.

    Eat the Food – Used dry stores to make granola, granola bars and a large pot of split pea soup (using leftover ham from the freezer).

  30. carol says:

    I’d like to join this. I’ll start on May 18th and post each Mon. on my blog.

  31. Ellen says:

    I’m signing up! I’ll be posting on my blog in a few moments. Thanks for the motivation!

  32. Polycarbonate : says:

    shower curtains that are made from acrylic and polyester are the most durable ones, that is why we always use them ~

  33. Monroe Fracchia says:

    Thank you , I love to read about other vegansas it gives me the strength to continue. I have about a thousand vegetarian feeds in my google reader, but I’m sure another can’t hurt!! I did manage to find a good lentil recipe here, but I’ll be sure to try yours too. Thanks!

  34. Candy Paint says:

    those plastic shower curtains are very cheap and you can install it easily without sweat ;-’

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  36. 捉姦 says:

    Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.

  37. Marvin Granai says:

    You’re a really vibrant personal!

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