Where I'm Going to Be Next
Sharon April 11th, 2009
Canton, New York, of course. Aren’t you?
I’m going to be at the North Country Sustainable Energy Fair, which may have the single coolest speakers list that I’ve ever been on. This explains why I’m going to take a five hour bus ride over the Adirondacks on a weekend in April when it will most likely be warm enough to plant things. The event has to be good to get me away from my garden in springtime.
14th Annual North Country Sustainable Energy Fair, April 25-26 at SUNY Canton in Canton, NY. Upstate NY’s largest community energy education event. Admission $5 per day; $8 for weekend. Go to website for more info: www.ncenergy.org
It will also be the very first time _A Nation of Farmers_ is for sale anywhere - this is the debut of the book and a new food talk I’m doing. So it is all very exciting. I assume if you are in adjacent Canada or Northern New York, you’ll be there too - if not to see me, for the chance to try timber framing with Rob Roy, meet Jim Merkel, find out how to do your own window insulation and use your bike as primary transport - what’s not to love?
I’m talking about food on Saturday at 3 and about the whole of our current situation and what we can do about it on Sunday at 11. I hope to see some of you there!