Where I’m Going to Be Next
Sharon April 11th, 2009
Canton, New York, of course. Aren’t you?
I’m going to be at the North Country Sustainable Energy Fair, which may have the single coolest speakers list that I’ve ever been on. This explains why I’m going to take a five hour bus ride over the Adirondacks on a weekend in April when it will most likely be warm enough to plant things. The event has to be good to get me away from my garden in springtime.
14th Annual North Country Sustainable Energy Fair, April 25-26 at SUNY Canton in Canton, NY. Upstate NY’s largest community energy education event. Admission $5 per day; $8 for weekend. Go to website for more info: www.ncenergy.org
It will also be the very first time _A Nation of Farmers_ is for sale anywhere - this is the debut of the book and a new food talk I’m doing. So it is all very exciting. I assume if you are in adjacent Canada or Northern New York, you’ll be there too - if not to see me, for the chance to try timber framing with Rob Roy, meet Jim Merkel, find out how to do your own window insulation and use your bike as primary transport - what’s not to love?
I’m talking about food on Saturday at 3 and about the whole of our current situation and what we can do about it on Sunday at 11. I hope to see some of you there!
- appearances , books
- Comments(8)
So what’s it going to take to lure you to western Massachusetts? Good food? We can do that? Good people? Got you covered. A chance to sell books? Always a crap shoot but we would do our best. What I am sure you would have is an appreciative audience who would love to hear you speak on the subjects we care most about.
Your New England bias shines thru: “if you are in Southern Canada or Northern New York”. Geography reminder: Canada reaches all the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, therefore large parts of southern Canada are not close to NY.
I’ve never been inthat part of the US and I’ll bet this time of year it’s really lovely.
safe travels, Sharon!
I’ve been notified by Amazon books that Nation of farmers will be arriving at my home in the first week of May!
Peace to All,
Sorry, EJ, I thought it was pretty self-evident that by “Southern Candada” I meant the parts near Canton NY, which I mentioned in the first line, but perhaps I should have been more explicit. I thought it was kind of self-evident, but apparently not. BTW, New York isn’t part of New England, so I don’t think this is evidence of “New England” bias.
Southern Canada. Girl, you make me laugh.
Perhaps you should say, “South Eastern Canada” much as you might say, “North Eastern US.” Canada is a big country, dontcha know?
A five hour bus ride over the Adirondacks, eh? I applaud you for taking public transportation. (Hope you like the stop for a happy meal.)
As a Canadian citizen, who happens to live in the Southwestern United States, I present Sharon a full pardon for daring to mix Canada with any kind of Southern exposure!
Interesting weather weekend of beautiful rain showers in these parts that made the cisterns sing. We even registered a measurable dusting of snow atop our surrounding highest mountains, plus a touch of hail to rattle this gardener’s nerves.
Sounds like an incredibly wonderful Fair, and you will be in good company.
I hope you give our Southern US crowd one more chance some time, if I see clearly at all.
Will pre-order your book this week.
Happy trails & welcoming crowds!