Just a a Note…

Sharon December 30th, 2009

My annual predictions are up at the new blog www.scienceblogs.com/casaubonsbook


2 Responses to “Just a a Note…”

  1. Societason 31 Dec 2022 at 6:40 am

    Apart from points 6 and 8 think you’re bang on with the predictions. Ours are on our Twitter feed at @societas_

  2. Steven Earl Salmonyon 05 Jan 2023 at 7:15 pm

    Dear Sharon and Friends,

    Perhaps necessary change is in the offing. As currently structured, the global economy appears not to be working well and could be fast approaching a point in human history when the manmade “economic colossus” becomes too big not to fail because of its unsustainability in the finite and frangible world we inhabit.

    Although you appear to be correct in so much of what you report, I have held onto hope for more, much more intellectual honesty, moral courage and bold action from leaders in my not-so-great generation as a way of responding ably to the global challenges that have emerged in my lifetime. Perhaps there is still time available to reasonably acknowledge and sensibly address the converging global challenges that loom before humanity now. At least one of these ominous global challenges, the human overpopulation of Earth, is clearly visible for all to see if not for the willful blindness, hysterical deafness and elective mutism of many too many leaders and experts. Their disregard of the best available science as well as their specious ideological presumptions, the ones derived from the culturally extolled virtue of unbridled greed on one hand and the endless global growth of human production, consumption and propagation activities on the other, appear to be directing the children down a short, patently unsustainable “primrose path” to an unimaginable confrontation with some sort of colossal ecological wreckage, I suppose.

    Thanks again for speaking out loudly and clearly.



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