Dilbert Adapts in Place!
Sharon July 13th, 2009
Scott Adams has often seemed to grasp that we can’t go on acting like greedy pigs forever, but it seems that he’s turned himself to the project of designing the ideal AIP community. Excellent! And thanks to Brad K. for tipping me off on this.
The only problem with “Cheapatopia” is that Dogbert will immediately conquer it .
- adapting in place , humor
- Comments(12)
Wow.. there are some vicious comments left on that post.
They are toast … and will be the last to know …
The comments on that post are exactly why I get so pessimistic.
The comments surprised me a bit … I stalled out wondering whether it was neighbors’ doing the babysitting is what made it communistic.
Many tech folks are also various shades of libertarian - I imagine the nastier responses are from those who are on the hard-core side of self-sufficiency. It’s an interesting culture (yes, I’m a tech geek as well).
As a resident of Sydney, I am amused to see we meet so many criteria!
d.a. says:
“Many tech folks are also various shades of libertarian - I imagine the nastier responses are from those who are on the hard-core side of self-sufficiency.”
Yes - yet another group of welfare recipient “libertarians”. The Internet was developed out of government funding in the first place, and of course could never have existed and could never exist except by free riding on the back of a big government.
Are there any self-proclaimed “libertarians” of whom this isn’t true? Who aren’t really lemon socialists?
Having taken another look at the thread, it amazes me that so many posters see universal healthcare as some kind of insane, unfeasible prospect - we’ve had it in Australia since the early ’70s. The system has its flaws, but it creaks along and the sky has not fallen yet.
@Russ: truth. It’s like fish not being able to “see” the water they swim in - so many services are taken for granted and not even considered. Or having been born into relative privilege and thinking that the opportunities they’ve enjoyed are as easily accessible to everyone else. Ah well.
Libertarians complaining on the internets makes me grin like all the ‘tea party’ people complaining in public parks. Think people, think!
I’m liking the idea of Cheapatopia-I’d like it even more if it was wedded to adapting in place.
Or having been born into relative privilege and thinking that the opportunities they’ve enjoyed are as easily accessible to everyone else.
Like George H.W. Bush, who was “born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.”
(Quote I’ve seen attributed to Jim Hightower or Murray Kempton.)
Negative comments or not, I like Scott’s project, and it gave me an opportunity to communicate with a nephew about things we had not talked about before, so thanks, Susan and Scott!